

Transparency Data
Under HB2144

 (Excel format)


Courses That Transfer


Tuition Per Credit Hour

In-District: $77
Out-of-District: $82
Out-of-State: $136
International: $162
*Effective 2023-2024 Academic Year.

*In-District Student: A student who resides in the home county of the college and where taxes to support the college are levied.
*Out-of-District Student: A student who is a Kansas resident, but not a resident of the college's home county, where taxes to support the college are levied.
*Out-of-State-Student: A student who is not a Kansas.
*International Student: A student who is not a resident of the United States.

Fees Per Credit Hour

(Does not include course-specific fees.)

In-District: $50.00
Out-of-District: $50.00
Out-of-State: $50.00
International: $50.00
*Effective 2023-2024 Academic Year

Tuition and Fees Total Per Credit Hour

In-District: $127.00
Out-of-District: $132.00
Out-of-State: $186.00
International: $212.00
*Effective 2023-2024 Academic Year

Student Fee Type and Amount

(Does not include course-specific fees.)

Student Fee Type In-District Out-of-District Out-of-State International
Student Government $1.29 $1.29 $1.29 $1.29
Infrastructure $2.03 $2.03 $2.03 $2.03
Scholarship $27.68 $27.68 $27.68 $27.68
Total Student Fees $31.00 $31.00 $31.00 $31.00
Technology Fee
Campus Internet $2.97 $2.97 $2.97 $2.97
Classroom Technology $3.55 $3.55 $3.55 $3.55
Electronic Library Resource System $3.27 $3.27 $3.27 $3.27
Learning Management System $3.27 $3.27 $3.27 $3.27
Online Tutoring $2.97 $2.97 $2.97 $2.97
Software Licensing $2.97 $2.97 $2.97 $2.97
Total Tech Fee $19.00 $19.00 $19.00 $19.00
TOTAL $50.00 $50.00 $48.50 $48.50

*Effective 2022-2023 Academic Year

% of Students Attending Each Campus (Site) of College

College-Campus (Site) In-District Out-of-District Out-of-State international
Main 10% 53% 33% 4%

* Effective 2022-23 Academic Year

Students are often served in more than one location. Students are counted at each location in which they are served and therefore totals will not equal 100%.

Students Served Overall Percentages

College Students Residing In-District: 12%
College Students Residing Out-of-District: 20%
College Students Residing in Service Area: 33%

*Effective 2022-2023 Academic Year.

Aggregate Amount of Property Tax Revenues Collected

FY 2019 FY 19-20 % Increase FY 2020 FY 20-21 % Increase FY 2022
$6,698,824 4.07% $6,971,596 -5.02% $6,483,356
FY 22-23 % Increase FY 2022 FY 19-20 % Increase FY 2022
-2.09% $6,483,356 0.84% $6,537,721

*The amounts above reflect what the college actually received. Abatements, incentives and delinquent tax payments cause this amount to be lower than what was actually levied in some cases.

Total Mill Levy

FY 2019 FY 19-20 % Increase FY 2020 FY 20-21 % Increase FY 2021
46.819 -3.69% 45.123 -2.63% 43.954
FY 21-22 % Increase FY 2022 FY 22-23 % Increase FY 2023
-6.60% 41.145 -1.15% 40.675

Scholarship Amounts Disbursed

FY 2022
FY 2023
FY 2022
FY 2023
FY 2022
FY 2023
$792,505 $885,112 $179,282 $202,458 $1,708,175 $1,582,048

*Effective 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 Academic Years.

Athletic Scholarship Amounts Disbursed

FY 2022
FY 2023
FY 2022
FY 2023
FY 2022

FY 2023

$7,100 $4,700 $77,437 $ 124,405 $519,511 $554,107

*Effective 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 Academic Years. In-state scholarships are included for comprehensive reporting.

Non-Athletic Scholarship Amounts Disbursed

FY 2022
FY 2023
FY 2022
FY 2023
FY 2022

FY 2023

$31,877 $ 29,148 $ 129,405 $108,398 $27,175 $64,354

*Effective 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 Academic Years.